Long Ridings Avenue, Brentwood, Essex CM13 1DU

01277 222488

Long Ridings Primary School

  1. News
  2. KEGS Tours

KEGS Tours

17 May 2024 (by admin)

KEGS Prospective Student Tours for Year 5 boys

We are holding our second series of open events for Year 5 boys, and a parent/carer, in July.  These are for families who are interested in a place at KEGS but did not attend one of our open events in February/March this year.  We would be most grateful if you could send the attached letter to the parents of your Year 5 boys.

The dates are:-

Monday 1 July – afternoon
Tuesday 2 July – morning

No event on Wednesday 3 July

Thursday 4 July – morning

Friday 5 July – afternoon