Long Ridings Avenue, Brentwood, Essex CM13 1DU

01277 222488

Long Ridings Primary School

Statutory Information


General information Pupil and Curriculum related  GDPR - Data related

Admission Arrangements

Admissions Policy 2023

Charging and Remissions Policy 2023

Code of Conduct 2023

Complaints Procedure

Covid Risk Assessment 

Discipline and Dismissal Procedure 2023

Early Career Teachers Induction Policy 2023

Equality Duty and Equality Objectives 2023

Ethos and Values

Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy 2023

Induction Policy 2023

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Mental Health and Wellbeing Policy 2023


Promoting British Values

Uniform Policy 2023

What to do if your child is unwell (advice)

Whistleblowing Policy 2023























Anti-Bullying Policy 2023

Attendance Policy 2024

Behaviour Policy 2024

Child on Child abuse Policy 2023

Child on Child Harmful Sexual Behavior Policy 2023

Child Protection Policy 2023

Dealing with Safeguarding Allegations Against Adults 2023

Designated Teacher Policy for Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children September 23

Exam Results (SATs and Teacher Assessments)

Exclusion Policy 2023

EYFS Policy 2023

Homework Policy 2023

PE Policy 23-24

Phonics Policy Sept 23

PPG Report 2023 - 2024

LINK to Essex Local Offer for SEND

Reading Policy Nov 2022

Relationships and Health Education Policy 2023

Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy 2023

Special Education Needs Information Report 2023

Support for pupils with medical conditions

Sports Premium 2024-2025

Packed Lunch Policy

Remote Learning 2020/21














Data Protection Policy Jan 23

Privacy Notice Curriculum & Pastoral Care Jan 23

Privacy Notice Online Payments Jan 23

Data Protection Rights - Advice & Guidance for Parents

Publication Scheme Jan 23

Overarching Privacy Notice Jan 23

Managing Governors Privacy Notice March 24

Privacy Notice Security Jan 23

Privacy Notice Visitor information Jan 23

Privacy Notice School Photos and Activities Jan 23

Privacy Notice Managing Volunteers Jan 23

Data Protection Policy Statement 

Statutory Request for Information January 2023

Parent's Guide to Subject Access

Security measures September 2023

Child Friendly Privacy Notice

Publishing Coursework Privacy Notice Jan 23

Marketing Privacy Notice Jan 23